Abiblo Finance - Abbreviated Accounts
Under UK Companies Act, the small or medium sized company may filed a shorter form of annual account.
Abiblo Finance - Abandonment
It is when an option at expiry is not being exercised or the surrender of rights, title or claim to any property or financial assets. Abiblo Finance - AADFI
AADFI is a short from of Association of African Development Finance Institutions A1 is a characteristic of a person or property in the best condition. Mostly useful in marine insurance. The vessel usually need to be checked before it can be insured. The Llyod's Register of shipping will be recorded as 'A' if the vessel is maintained in good and efficient condition. Number 1 is added if the anchor mooring is in the same condition. A1 is also used in obtaining a life assurance, where the premium depend on the health of the person. An A1 life is a person in perfect health condition after medical treatment.
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May 2020
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